Spring Flower Ideas for Your Garden

It may still be raining more than we’d really like it to, but with increasing amounts of warming sunshine interspersing the showers, it’s the time of year that we see most flowers blooming in our gardens.

Unless you already know precisely what you want to see in bloom in your garden come springtime, the amount of choice can be quite intimidating to a new gardener. For that reason, we’ve pulled together a few of our favourites – British spring flowers that can be relied on to provide just the right splash of colour to brighten any space and any mood!

Our Favourite Spring Plans for 2024


Like the daffodil, the tulip is one of those reliable signifiers of spring well and truly arriving and one of the most common and popular sights in an English spring garden. If you don’t already have them planted, then you won’t get to enjoy them in your garden this year – unless you cheat a little by getting potted tulips that can be easily transplanted.

If there’s one drawback, it’s that they’re not great for attracting pollinators, but that’s a small price to pay as long – as you make up for it with your other choices!


Another of the most popular of the early spring flowers, the primrose’s pale yellow presence is always a welcome sight at the end of a long, dark winter! Because they self-seed, they’ll readily spread to populate your border year after year and will attract all our favourite and most efficient pollinators. They’re best planted where there’s partial shade in soil that retains moisture.


The hellebore is a reliable and hardy perennial that is likely to be one of the first to show its colours – which can come in a stunning variety – providing a valuable source of nectar for early bumblebees.

Even better, once the flowers have gone, it continues to have an attractive presence thanks to it being an evergreen with deep green leaves – although it’s a good idea to cut them back around November.


Unlike the flowers we’ve mentioned so far, alliums – which come from the same family as onions and leeks – tend to come into bloom late in the season, which makes them a great choice if you want to keep those spring colours going for as long as possible.

Their flowerheads are unmistakable and can come in everything from purple and blue to burgundy, pink and yellow. They’ll keep coming back year after year and make great cut flowers so that you can bring some of that colour into the house as well.

Snake’s head fritillary

It’s not seen as much as it used to be out in the wild, so why not bring this delicate-looking but deceptively hardy perennial into your garden? It’s just as happy in a container, long grass or a sunny border as it is in a wildflower meadow and produces beautiful bell-shaped flowers that have a checked pattern usually made up of various shades of purple – although pinks and whites are also occasionally seen.

Landscaping Plants

To make the most of the delightful colours brought to our beds and borders by these great spring flowers, you also need a good selection of landscaping plants that add shape and structure.

Here at Urban Landscape Design and Construction, we have years of experience designing and planting gardens in and around Cobham, Esher and Ascot that are uniquely inspired by and created around the individual aspects and conditions of the space in question.

We have the knowledge and creative skill to produce gardens that both look amazing and meet your needs in terms of budget, preferences and levels of ongoing maintenance and upkeep required.

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Want to know more about how to transform your own garden? Just get in touch with us today to discuss your hopes and plans and we can put together a free, cost-effective quotation.

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