The Best Garden Screening Solutions To Avoid Overlooking Neighbours

Creating the perfect garden means wanting to spend more time outdoors, yet you may not feel like this is possible because of your neighbours. Whether they are loud, nosy or simply always home, it can be difficult to relax when you feel like you’re under surveillance.

Most of us are not blessed with a completely private estate and have to deal with overlooking neighbours, but this doesn’t have to hold us back any longer. Some clever garden screening solutions can increase privacy and help to create a more secluded retreat, even when you are surrounded at all angles.

Urban Landscapes is a premier landscaping company that provides a range of solutions to bring out the best in your garden. Our team has years of experience and unparalleled workmanship, allowing us to deliver the precise care you need. In this post, we are sharing our best garden screening solutions so you can create a more private environment.

The Best Garden Screening Solutions To Block Neighbours

It is possible to make your garden more private without a big investment or a lot of construction work. Using these garden screening solutions can create a more secluded environment that the whole family can enjoy, relaxing knowing you are not going to be disturbed by the people around you:


The most obvious, yet still effective, garden screening solutions, revolve around the barriers of your outdoor space. Creating a physical boundary between your garden and the neighbouring landscapes is a great tool for privacy, and can be done using a variety of materials.

The most popular way to create garden barriers is with fencing. For many gardens across the region, fencing is the standard way to define where your garden ends and the next one begins making this one of the easiest garden screening solutions to implement.

In the UK, fencing does not require planning permission to be installed or replaced if it is under 6 feet. This is more than enough fencing, in most cases, to screen overlooking neighbours and there are several options to complement your garden design. Alternatively, you can request planning permission and make your fences even higher, adding features such as trellises and lattices for climbing plants for additional appeal.

Shrubs And Trees

Another great solution for garden barriers is evergreen shrubs or trees. Shrubs are a particularly useful option for privacy, as they are dense and can provide both visual and auditory screening. Shrubs or smaller trees can be planted against the fence or walls around your garden to provide an additional layer of privacy.

If you do want to use plants as garden screening solutions, choose evergreen species as these continue to grow throughout the year. You will not have to worry about your barrier fading in the winter, as evergreen shrubs continue to be lush and dense.

It is important to note that choosing trees or shrubs as garden screening solutions does require ongoing maintenance. Regular pruning and shaping will be required to keep your garden neat and to prevent the trees from overflowing into your neighbour’s garden.

Movable Options

If you desire privacy for specific events or areas of the garden, portable options are available. Garden screening solutions such as outdoor curtains, sails, and screens can be used to create a private environment on demand. For example, adding curtains to your pergola allows you to create an intimate setting for al fresco dining, closing the area off from overlooking neighbours.

On a sunny day, use shades or parasols to shield where you sit so you can relax, sunbathe and unwind in privacy. This also makes it safer to spend time in the sun, reducing your direct exposure to UV rays.

With movable garden screening solutions, you can create private areas on demand or when needed. If your neighbours are also having a party at the same time as you, screen the area to prevent any unwanted interactions.

Auditory Garden Screening Solutions

Privacy is not just visual, as sound can also interfere with your seclusion. Running water is one of the best garden screening solutions for this purpose, as the constant ambient noise can increase privacy.

Not only does this ongoing ambient noise drown out any conversation happening next door, it can also make your own events more private. With the soothing sounds of running water, you will create a more tranquil environment that is suitable for private conversations and catch-up meetings with friends because your neighbours cannot interfere.

Other sounds can also be used to provide the same kind of gardening screen, such as wind chimes. A low, ambient sound can go a long way in avoiding overlooking neighbours and creating a more calm, inviting environment.


Your garden can be an extension of your home, but this will not be possible if you feel like you are being watched all the time. Overlooking neighbours no longer have to hinder your enjoyment of the outdoors, as there are clever garden screening solutions to help.

From fencing to curtains, shrubs to water features, there are several ways you can screen your garden from overlooking neighbours with hindering garden design. Many of these solutions can enhance the appeal of your garden, with their aesthetic appeal and improvement on peace.

Create a space you enjoy being in and ensure to include these garden screening solutions to prevent neighbours ruining the fun.

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